The reason is, I can write much more freely if I remain anonymous. If you ever tried to talk about affirmations to other people, you know how they give you that “you’re crazy” or “you’re stupid” look. Or even worse, the “you’re weak” look. But at the same time, I’m so grateful for the happiness that affirmations brought me, that I find it a little selfish not to share it with the world. I’m hoping that my writings can help other people. Maybe in the future, when people are not so fast in judging other people’s beliefs, I might be able to post my name here.
I personally don’t see much difference between praying and affirmations. When you pray, you thank and you ask for stuff. When you do affirmations, you thank and you ask for stuff. The only thing is that in one case you pray for God, and in the other case you pray for… the universe? I don’t know, I still think of God when I do affirmations. But I guess it doesn’t matter. It works for me, either way. I used not to believe in God.
Well, the point is. This is alike a religion. I believe it works for me. Maybe it works for you too. Who knows? Give it a try. You don’t have anything to loose, and I’m not asking for your money. I’m really not even asking for your time. Feel free to close the browser window right now. The information is here, I hope you enjoy it, and I’m really looking forward hearing from other people’s experience with affirmations. Good or bad :)
Enjoy the site, and please contact me for anything. I’d love to hear from you.
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